Our Hopes:
We are a research-based mental health group of therapists that love connecting with people. We offer a safe space - emotionally, physically, and mentally - that is free of judgment. Our desire is for you to come to therapy knowing that our priority is to take care of you, and to walk alongside as you learn to take care of you.
We believe that therapy should not be a privilege, so we work hard within our scope of practice and sliding scale options to provide mental health services for all. If we are not the right fit for your needs, we will help you with referral sources in the next steps of your journey.
Our hopes for this practice are for you to have a safe space, your mental wellness to increase, and to destigmatize therapy.
Whether you decide to begin your therapeutic journey with one of our therapists or someone else, our hopes are that you find a place where you feel safe to explore yourself. You deserve mental wellness.
We see you, we support you, and we are rooting for you.